Fabrizio Ferrandi was born in Ponte dell’Olio (Piacenza) on October 14th, 1967.
Fabrizio Ferrandi received his Laurea (cum laude) in Electronic Engineering in 1992 and his Ph.D. degree in Information and Automation Engineering (Computer Engineering) from the Politecnico di Milano, Italy, in 1997.
He joined the faculty of Politecnico di Milano in 1999 as “Ricercatore” and later in 2002 as Associate Professor with the Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria.
His research interests include synthesis, verification simulation, and testing of digital circuits and systems.
Fabrizio Ferrandi is a member of the IEEE Computer Society since 1995, the Test Technology Technical Committee, and the European Design and Automation Association.
Best Paper Award EURO-VHDL ’96 for the paper titled “BDD-based Testability Estimation of VHDL Designs” presented at IEEE/ACM European Design Automation Conference and Euro-VHDL, Ginevra, Switzerland, September 16-20 1996.
My Ph.D. thesis was awarded the “1997 Prize for Engineering and Technology – THE DIMITRIS N.CHORAFAS FOUNDATION”, 26-08-1997.
Best Paper Award DATE ’99 for the paper titled “Symbolic functional vector generation for VHDL specifications” presented at IEEE/ACM DATE ’99 – Design, Automation and Test in Europe, Munich, Germany, March 9-12 1999.